Arctic ICE Observatory - update

Message from Robin Ashby (UKDF)
2 november 2021


All - ahead of Vienna :
I have previously said that I did not intend to submit a report to this Presidents' Council.
However, I would now like to make a policy proposal for this Observatory, which requires Presidents' approval before proceeding.

The long-awaited up date of the EU Joint Communication policy document on the Artic, replacing that of April 20176, was published two weeks ago.

This can be found in full at

Commissioner Sinkevicius said on launching the document:

Geopolitical competition is growing….Intensified interest in Arctic resources and transport routes could transform the region into an arena of local and geopolitical competition. We can not be sure that it will always be in line with the EU’s interests….We have strategic and day-to-day interests, both in the European Arctic and the broader Arctic region.

A factsheet can be found at

But the reality of the Joint Communication is that it has very little to say on how those interests are to be protected in a way that Eurodefense would recognise within its remit of a strong Europe through strong defence and the context of our reporting over the last two years of build-ups in military capabilities by many parties.


The European Parliament resolution of 7 October 2021 on the Arctic: opportunities, concerns and security challenges at is a little more robust.

I therefore would like to make a policy proposal within the scope of the Joint Communication on the enlargement of the mandate and capabilities of the European Border Force (Frontex) - essentially a Northern Command with outlets in Finland, Denmark and Greenland - to strengthen presence, turn the vague aspirations into reality, and ensure that the EU can join the Arctic Coastguards Forum as a full member. 

This would be submitted to the Commissioner, the EU Ambassador for the Arctic, the European Parliament and of course Frontex itself.

I have made the very first contacts with ED-Fin and ED - Dk on this, but a considerable amount of additional work is required. I have been asked privately to write an article on the concept for GeoPolitica magazine.

The approval of the Presidents' Council to proceed and present a document for approval (possibly by email before the Spring 2022 Presidents' meeting) making such proposals.

I look forward to discussing this in Vienna - Patrick, could you please note for the agenda in the Observatories report section?